Jobs in Uganda Uganda Baseline Survey In 3 Countries; Uganda, Kenya And South SudanJohanniter-Unfall-Hilfe E.V. Jobs in Uganda Consultancy Jobs Jobs in Uganda at Baseline Survey In 3 Countries; Uganda, Kenya And South SudanJohanniter-Unfall-Hilfe E.V. Consultancy Jobs Employment opportunities Baseline Survey In 3 Countries; Uganda, Kenya And South SudanJohanniter-Unfall-Hilfe E.V.
Job Title Call for proposals for consultancy to conduct a baseline survey
in the three countries of South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda
Site ⇒
Organisation ⇒ Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.
Project Name ⇒ Baseline survey of the project “Enhance access to and
quality of health, nutrition and WASH services for people affected by the
South Sudan crisis in South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda.”
Duty Station ⇒ South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda
Download Terms of Reference TOR, Click Here
About US
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. is a German Christian
non-governmental organ-isation, dedicated to excellence in the field of first
aid, ambulance service, social service programmes and other projects in the
medical and social field. The Federal Headquarters are based in Berlin,
Germany. Johanniter International Assistance is the operational unit for
humanitarian aid, develop-ment co-operation and emergency relief, implementing
and supporting mostly health projects world-wide.
Background and Rationale
The refugee crisis in South Sudan currently remains the fastest growing and
largest refugee situation on the African continent and the third largest
refugee crisis in the world. More than a third of the estimated 12 million
inhabitants of South Sudan have been displaced and more than half of the
population is affected by the crisis . Within the country, there are nearly
two million IDPs in urgent humanitarian need, while outside the country there
are now nearly 2.4 million South Sudanese refugees, with Uganda still the
largest receiving country, followed by Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, the Democratic
Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic
Purpose, Objectives and Use
The purpose of this consultancy is to conduct the baseline data collection as
defined hereunder of the project. It is expected that this baseline data
collection and review will interrogate the implementation methodologies geared
towards establishing the following
⇗ Improved utilization of health, nutrition and WASH services by pregnant and
lactating women, children and other vulnerable people in South Sudan, Kenya
and Uganda by 2023\.
⇗ The Baseline will seek to collect baseline data on the indicators which
will guide achieving the above mentioned specific goal of the project, as
defined in the project proposal will
⇗ be made available to consultant.
Key data to be collected for the baseline include
Data related to the below indicators will be collected/ included in the
Outcome level
\- Number of health consultations provided for beneficiaries
\- Proportion of children under 5 years presenting with malaria who have
received effective malaria treatment within 24 hours of onset of their
\- Proportion of children exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age in the
target area.
\- Prevalence rate GAM MAM and SAM in children under 5.
\- Prevalence of diarrhea in children under 5
⇗ Output level
\- % of identified GBV survivors referred to treatment Centers for medical
and psychosocial care
\- Number of health referrals from community to health facilities
\- Number of healthcare consultations
\- Number of women who attended ANC visits New and re-visits
\- % of HH in the target area with basic knowledge on gender based violence
\- % of persons identified with mental illnesses receiving psychosocial care
counselling and play/sport activities
\- % of <5 attaining="" children="" mam="" normal="" op="" weight=""
\- Cure rate % of children with severe acute malnutrition with medical
complications admitted at the Stabilization Center
\- % of malnourished children SAM who have recovered following treatment.
\- Proportion mothers who are aware about new-born early initiation of
\- % of households in the target area with access to safe, clean and
sufficient quantity of water
\- % HH with 2 water containers as per SPHERE Standard
\- % of households in the target area who know at least three critical times
for hand washing
\- Number of staff trained
The above baseline data should be sub aggregated into host community data and
refugees' data, disaggregated by sex, age and disability and should allow for
comparison with the end line report data.
The purpose of this baseline study will be to provide an information base
against which to monitor and assess an intervention's progress and
effectiveness during implementation and after it is completed. The data
collected will form a basis against which the degree and quality of change
during an intervention's implementation will be measured. Therefore some data
might be available from the secondary sources but will be included in the
baseline to form the baseline against which the end line will be measured/
Scope of Work ⇒ The baseline study will take a sample of community members
and other stakeholders from the above-mentioned locations. The assignment
shall generally be divided in the following summary steps;
⇗ Developing data collection tools based on the indicators and information
⇗ Defining the sample size households and individuals from the population
targeted on this data collection
⇗ Oversee remotely no travel in-countries possible/ planned the pre-testing
and overall data collection
⇗ Consolidate and analyze the data collected
⇗ Produce draft and final reports for this assignment
Duration of the baseline ⇒ The baseline study shall be undertaken in the
months of August and September 2020.
Methodology ⇒ The consultant is expected to propose scientifically,
culturally and socially appropriate approaches that will be used to answer the
questions raised in this ToR.
Mainly quantitative approach should be used as well as primary and secondary
data in analysing the baseline survey findings. Additional propositions to be
determined by the consultant and discussed before contracting to form part of
this ToR. The consultant must demonstrate ability to remotely manage the
survey by providing details of the process including the tools to be
developed, formats and method
Therefore to achieve this the consultant is expected to
⇗ Develop the primary and secondary data collection tools that will be used
to collect information related to the above indicators
⇗ Clarify the populationhouseholds/ individuals sample for each indicator
from which the sampling shall be done to ensure statistical representative of
the results
⇗ Provide oversight of the data collection process to the teams in the field
in all three countries via remote management.
⇗ Undertake data analysis from the three countries
⇗ Validation and sharing workshop. The baseline findings should be validated
through workshop among key staff of the JOHANNITER, partner NGO staff, and any
other stakeholder.
⇗ Make a draft report based on findings and final report writing based on the
feedbacks from JOHANNITER team.
The baseline evaluation study shall be conducted in August ending September
2020. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions some activities will be done
simultaneously as data collection may happen concurrently in all the three
countries, as the consultant will be based possibly in one of the countries or
elsewhere but guiding the activity remotely. Each country will have a team
locally at project sites led by in country M&E officers who will do the
selection of enumerators, training and data collection. Note that there is a
possibility that the assignment shall be conducted simultaneously for Uganda
and Kenya, while the data collection process in South Sudan will happen
slightly later. But in either scenario data from the three countries will form
one final report.
The assignment is expected to include
⇗ Inception meeting
⇗ Secondary data collection and review of desk documents.
⇗ Data collection tools, methodology and sampling development.
⇗ Remotely pre-test through the country teams
⇗ Oversee remotely the data collection
⇗ Consolidate and analyse data
⇗ Produce final report
The consultant is responsible to define the numbers of days required for the
whole exercise in his/her proposal and possibly discussed later with
Each country M&E team will be in-charge of running the pre-testing and
eventual data collection with guidance of the consultant as explained above.
In Kenya, the tools, once developed, need to be approved by UNHCR, which may
take 2 weeks. This implies that there might be some days break in-between the
various phases of the assignment. Also final questionnaire will incorporate
the feedback from UNHCR in Kakuma after their reviews especially on data
related to Kenyan indicators. But changes shall be integrated possibly for all
3 countries to maintain uniformity for common indicators.
The baseline study shall be undertaken within the following phases.
⇗ An inception meeting with the consultant with the JOHANNITER and possibly
partners to familiarize the parties with each other.
⇗ Submission of inception report
⇗ Tools development; the consultant shall prepare the necessary tools for the
study and submit them to the JOHANNITER and partners for review.
⇗ Secondary data collection of relevant data through physical or online
reviewing of the respective resources by the consultant
⇗ Primary data collection by the data collection teams in the three countries
with online consultant guide / support to fields teams in South Sudan, Kenya
and Uganda. This shall focus on the refugees, host communities, government
authorities and JOHANNITER/partner staff.
⇗ Analysis of data and report writing by the consultant.
⇗ Submission of the draft report to JOHANNITER and partners by the consultant
for reviews and feedback.
⇗ Final report submission to JOHANNITER and partners by the consultant.
Outputs and Deliverables
The deliverables shall include;
⇗ Inception report
⇗ Data collection tools, methodology and sampling
⇗ Report on the pre-testing
⇗ Data set of all data collected
⇗ Final report in English language
⇗ The consultant will provide the electronic version of the draft report, the
electronic version of the final report and annexes in Word Format soft copy
and four hard copies to JOHANNITER.
Expert Profile of the Evaluation Team
The independent consultant/consultancy firm must demonstrate its experience
and expertise on
⇗ Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation.
⇗ Over 7 years' proven experience of undertaking project data collection and
analysis for baselines/end-lines with technically sound understanding of WASH,
health and nutrition data.
⇗ Experience with Germany Government -funded projects is an advantage.
⇗ Understanding of political, social and cultural context in South Sudan,
Kenya and Uganda is essential.
⇗ Have an eye for details.
⇗ Experience in Nutrition and Health in emergency and development
interventions especially in Project Cycle Management/ Monitoring and
⇗ Sectoral expertise, contextual knowledge of Western Bahr el Ghazal, Wau and
Jur River Counties in South Sudan, Kalobeyei and in Turkana Kenyaand Palorinya
and Rhino camp Refugee Settlements in North-Western Uganda is an added
⇗ Have skills to remotely manage a data collection team, which he/she will
constitute, avail and shall be responsible for analysis.
Tentative Timetable, Download Detailed TOR
Management of the Evaluation
⇗ JOHANNITER-Uganda shall prepare a contract that the consultant shall sign
to commit him/herself; the consultant shall be answerable to the JOHANNITER
team. The Head of Mission in Uganda shall represent JOHANNITER.
⇗ The consultant shall be responsible for execution of the data collection
analysis, report generation and submission.
⇗ The consultant shall work closely with the JOHANNITER/partners who will
constitute a data collection team.
⇗ JOHANNITER and partners shall be responsible for the day-to-day field
management and all field costs associated with the exercise. All field costs
shall not be included in consultant's bid.
⇗ The JOHANNITER/partners will provide that the logistical arrangements
related to the baseline study. These include vehicle for transport in the
field, JOHANNITER/Partners will facilitate access to all required homes/sites
and government officials for any requested data/ information by the
⇗ All supervision and oversight of the baseline exercise shall be done
remotely by the consultant
⇗ Documents available upon request
⇗ Introductory project documents
⇗ Structure of the baseline study report
⇗ The project Log-frame
⇗ Indicator sheets
How to Apply ⇒
If interested submit the following to the email contact; and the deadline for submission is 15th August
⇗ A technical proposal
⇗ A financial proposal,
⇗ The detailed CV of the consultants who will be involved on the baseline
⇗ Profile of the consultancy firm if it's not an individual consultant.
Deadline 15 th August 2020
Send your Application Through
Warning Never Pay money for getting a job.
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Jobs in Uganda Uganda Baseline Survey In 3 Countries; Uganda, Kenya And South SudanJohanniter-Unfall-Hilfe E.V. Jobs in Uganda Consultancy Jobs Jobs in Uganda at Baseline Survey In 3 Countries; Uganda, Kenya And South SudanJohanniter-Unfall-Hilfe E.V. Consultancy Jobs Employment opportunities Baseline Survey In 3 Countries; Uganda, Kenya And South SudanJohanniter-Unfall-Hilfe E.V.
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