Consultancy Jobs Jobs in Moroto

Jobs in Moroto Uganda Terms Of Reference For Annual Data Household Survey Farm Africa Livestock For Livelihoods (UK AID DIRECT) PROJECT IN KARAMOJA, UGANDA Jobs in Moroto Consultancy Jobs Jobs in Moroto at Terms Of Reference For Annual Data Household Survey Farm Africa Livestock For Livelihoods (UK AID DIRECT) PROJECT IN KARAMOJA, UGANDA Consultancy Jobs Employment opportunities Terms Of Reference For Annual Data Household Survey Farm Africa Livestock For Livelihoods (UK AID DIRECT) PROJECT IN KARAMOJA, UGANDA

Job Title Terms of Reference for Annual Data Household Survey
Organisation Farm Africa
Project Name Livestock for Livelihoods UK Aid Direct Project in
Karamoja, Uganda
Duty Station Uganda
Download TOR, Click Here
About Farm Africa
Farm Africa is an innovative charity that reduces poverty in rural eastern
Africa by helping farmers grow more, sell more and sell for more we help
farmers to not only boost yields, but also gain access to markets, and add
value to their produce. We place a high priority on environmental
sustainability and develop approaches that help farmers to improve their
yields and incomes without degrading their natural resources. Our programmes
vary hugely, ranging from helping crops farmers to boost harvests, livestock
keepers to improve animal health and productivity, and forest coffee growers
to reach export markets, but core to all of them is a focus on the financial
sustainability of the farmers’ businesses and environmental sustainability.

About the project
Farm Africa’s Livestock for Livelihoods L4L project, funded by FCDO is
currently being implemented in pastoral areas of Karamoja Uganda and South
Omo Ethiopia. The project duration is four years from March 2018 – March
2022. Pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in these areas suffer from high rates
of poverty, malnutrition, poor access to services, and social marginalisation.
Women are particularly badly affected due to their perceived lower status and
associated lack of decision-making power, and their lack of access and control
over productive resources. However, emerging market economies are stimulating
livelihood diversification and trade, presenting opportunities to address
poverty and malnutrition through women’s economic empowerment. In most of the
cases, Women play a key role in managing small livestock in pastoralist
The L4L project is addressing market failures in animal health and breeding
services to improve livestock productivity, build capacity and assets of women
pastoralists, establish trade and enterprise opportunities and improve
household nutrition practices through behavioural change. The project will
also generate and document learnings from all these interventions’ by testing
our theory of change ToC on the link between women’s access to livestock
assets goats and input markets; women’s economic empowerment and nutrition
SBCC on nutrition outcomes at scale in a pastoral set-up.
The nutrition component is being implemented in partnership with Africa
Innovations Institute AFRII, and Mothers and children multi-sectoral
development organization MCMDO in Uganda and Ethiopia, respectively. The
project works with 10,000 women directly, 5,000 of whom are from each of
Uganda and Ethiopia. The project proposal and project theory of change are
attached, see Annex 1 and Annex 2 respectively.
Overall project goal Increase household income & reduce malnutrition
among women and children and increase access to livestock services for 21,000
pastoralists’ households in Uganda and Ethiopia.

Overall project objectives
1\. 10,000 women livestock herders within HHs of pastoralist communities
increase the production of goats and goat products
2\. 21,000 pastoralists and agro-pastoralists access improved livestock and
breeding services and veterinary drug supply
3\. 10,000 women in pastoralist communities have improved opportunities for
livestock sale, income generation and values addition
4\. 10,000 households in pastoralist communities with improved dietary
5\. Evidence on nutrition gains from women economic empowerment WEE and
livestock programmes supporting inter-project learning and improved practices
by external actors
Scope of Work for the Annual Household Survey
This annual check-in will consist of data collection DC in Uganda, but also
of collating and analysing data gathered in Uganda by Farm Africa and partners
to date. This process will assess the progress made by the L4L project in
Uganda against the set indicator milestones after two years of implementation.
All evidence gathered should be used to review the project progress to date
and provide an assessment of whether the programme is on the right track to
achieve its intended outcomes and objectives. The process should also assess
contextual factors which may affect the indicator values, project results and
approach; and propose recommendations. L4L is implemented in the following 4
districts of Karamoja; Moroto, Kotido, Napak and Nakapiripit.
The indicative budget for this work is UGX 50,0000,000 include field logistics
and it is scheduled from 22nd February to 14th May 2021 to finalize the whole
process and submit the report.
Approach and Methodology
The project implements a routine monitoring system based on a Linear Log Frame
LLF approach and a corresponding monitoring and learning plan MLP to
collect data against key impact and outcome indicators. These documents have
been attached as Annexes 3 and 4, respectively. The consultant will be
expected to capture data against the indicators in the LLF during the
assignment. Farm Africa will also provide data collected by the project so far
for the consultant to clean/ analyse. Data that has not yet been collected
will be done so by the consultant.
Each of the data collection methodologies outlined in applicants’ proposals
should disaggregate the respondents by location, gender, HH head, age and
disability as appropriate. The process should assess contextual factors which
may affect both the indicator values and project results and approach.
The consultant is expected to employ a mixed-methods approach, using a variety
of data collection and analysis techniques for both quantitative and
qualitative data to ensure a comprehensive evaluation exercise. The majority
of data collection tools will be provided by Farm Africa to ensure that they
align with Farm Africa standards and those that have been used in previous
assessments. Tools provided by Farm Africa may be upgraded by the consultant
but should remain comparable with baseline methodologies as well as previous
annual surveys and be replicable in the future. The tools available for the
project will be shared with the successful consultant upon signing of the
contract and any proposed changes to tools/ methodologies must be
demonstrated, explained and justified in the inception report. The data
collection should be done on an online platform. The consultant in their
proposal should clearly elaborate on the platform they intend to use for this
process. The methodology will include, at a minimum
Household Survey Data Collection and Analysis As guided by the impact and
outcome indicators in the LLF, the HH survey will comprise of various sections
or sub-surveys. These include
• The poverty probability index PPI tool,
• Women goat production and income tool HH income questionnaire,
• The annual women’s goat questionnaire which includes customer satisfaction
and husbandry practices questions
• Nutrition survey tools Infant and Young children minimum dietary diversity
score tool, Minimum Dietary Diversity score tool for women, anthropometric
tool and the nutrition KAP survey. This tool will be applied on a sub-sample
of respondents to the HH survey. The consultant should provide a suggested
sampling methodology for this survey.
Women’s Economic Empowerment Survey DC The consultant should provide a
suggested sampling methodology for this survey.
Farm Africa will provide the successful consultant with all the above
mentioned tools and work with the consultant to improve them where necessary.
Farm Africa will also provide the list of beneficiaries that were interviewed
for baseline and the 2020 Annual Household Survey.
Document review Review of existing documentation, including project proposal,
baseline study report, project progress reports, reports of technical
assessments including donor technical review report, existing project data,
the FCDO log frame and the LLF, nutrition data and reports. The consultant is
expected to review the baseline and the 2020 Annual Household Survey reports
to understand the methodologies that were used during these surveys. This is
for consistency in data collection and analysis methodologies through time.
Beneficiary records review The consultant is expected to review VSLA and
animal treatment records to get information on the number of pastoralists
accessing animal health services.
Data analysis on provided data Farm Africa will endeavour to provide the
consultant with the following data to analyse and if there are any data gaps,
the consultant will be required to collect additional information to
compliment the data provided. The data includes
• VSLA membership, savings and loan data -to understand trends in the number
and value of loans for livestock-related activities, and also track changes,
if any, in the purpose of the loans over the project period –e.g. from
reproductive needs food, healthcare, education to purchase of productive
assets, inputs and services
• CAHWs animal treatment data - Proportion of beneficiaries treating their
animals and those accessing CAHWs
• Agrovets sales records - trends of pastoralists accessing services and
customer satisfaction; trends of CAHWs sourcing drugs from agro-vets
• Buck stations service records and Breeding centre buck sales records - data
on goat production and reproductive performance; Pastoralists accessing
breeding services
• Marketing Associations/cooperatives revenue records – compare the increase
of income between people engaged in a cooperative/association and those who
are not on the VSLAs data.
Expected Deliverables and Timeline
All written documentation is to be submitted in English using Microsoft Word
in soft copy. The main body of all reports should be written in simple, non-
technical language, with any technical material being presented in annexes.
The outputs should conform to Farm Africa’s ‘Style Guidelines’, which will be
supplied to the successful consultant. All primary data collected and analysis
conducted for the purpose of the study will remain the property of Farm Africa
and must be submitted electronically and in a clear and comprehensible format
in Excel; further detail below.
The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 40 working days beginning on
22nd Feb 2021. The final report should be submitted by 14th May 2021. The
consultant will provide the following deliverables to Farm Africa within the
timeframe stated
1\. Inception Report including tools – 5 days The consultant will have 5
working days from the contract start date to submit a detailed report on the
proposed approach to the survey will be submitted for approval. This will
include a detailed description of the methodology and tools, expected outputs,
budget with a breakdown of costs and detailed work plan for the entire
exercise. Any comments/ editions to the data collection tools provided by Farm
Africa shall be submitted by the consultant.
2\. Revised Inception Report – 3 days Following the provision of feedback on
the first draft of the inception report from Farm Africa, the consultant will
have 3 working days to incorporate revisions and recommendations from Farm
3\. Data collection and Submission of First Report Draft – 25 days following
data collection, the consultant is to submit the raw data collected every
single survey response to every question and clearly labelled, without
calculations or amendments, preferably in excel before the preparation of the
first draft of the report. The consultant should submit the first draft of the
report to Farm Africa by 22nd April 2020.
4\. Final Report – 7 days The consultant will have 7 working days to
finalize the assignment report based on the comments and feedback received
from Farm Africa on the draft report. The final report should incorporate
specific, practical and feasible recommendations for improving project
delivery and impact based on learning from implementation and delivery. The
main body of the report will contain a concise Executive Summary that includes
a table of indicators, outline and rationale for the methodology, the main
findings and analysis, and any subsequent recommendations. All the data
collection tools and sampling frames used should be included as Annexes.
5\. A copy of the ‘cleaned’ raw data and all workings used in analyses,
again, preferably in excel, should also be submitted. Any other software use
is acceptable, however, clear workings must be supplied; please confirm with
Farm Africa prior to contract signature the format you intend to supply the
data in.
5\. Management and Implementation Responsibilities
The consultant will report directly to the Project Coordinator, Farm Africa.
However, s/he will also be expected to work closely with the AFRII Project
Coordinator who is the project nutrition partner in Uganda, and with the
project’s Chief of Party, who oversees the project implementation in Ethiopia
and Uganda. Any proposed changes to the personnel listed in the application or
their respective levels of involvement in the assignment must be approved by
Farm Africa.
Farm Africa will provide
Guidance and technical support as required throughout the annual survey;
Copies of all key background resources identified;
Farm Africa data collection tools used in previous surveys and any other
relevant tools;
A list of project beneficiaries to be sampled from
The following project monitoring data for analysis VSLA membership and
savings data, CAHWs animal treatment data, Agrovets sales records, Buck
stations service records and Breeding centre buck sales records and Marketing
Associations/cooperatives revenue records;
Introductory meetings with key informants;
Comments and feedback on, and approval of, all deliverables within agreed
Payment in accordance with the contract.
The consultant will be responsible for
Developing a detailed methodology;
Conducting all data collection and managing all field logistics involved;
this includes payment of field logistics expenses;
Recruitment, training and payment of enumerators;
Cleaning and analysis of data and reporting in a clear and accessible
format, utilising Farm Africa style guidelines and templates provided;
Regular progress reporting to the project coordinator, including responding
to any comments or technical inputs wherever reasonable;
Production of deliverables within the agreed timeline and in accordance
with quality requirements of evaluation manager;
Seeking comments and feedback from Farm Africa, through the PC, in
sufficient time to discuss and incorporate these into the final report.
Farm Africa Evaluation Principles
Farm Africa follows five basic principles of sound evaluation practice and the
consultant is expected to adhere to these throughout the evaluation process.
These are
Confidentiality and informed consent – all data collected during the
evaluation will be treated as confidential and cannot be shared outside of
Farm Africa. All respondents must be advised as such and always given the
opportunity not to participate, or to terminate or pause the interview at any
time. The purpose of the study should also be clearly explained before
commencing any interviews. Farm Africa’s Minimum Standards for Informed
Consent must be followed – these will be shared with the successful applicant.
Independence and impartiality – Farm Africa is committed to impartial and
objective evaluations of our projects. All evaluation findings and conclusions
must be grounded in evidence. Researchers are expected to design data
collection tools and systems that mitigate as far as possible against
potential sources of bias.
Credibility – Farm Africa is committed to learning based on credible
evidence. The credibility of evaluations depends on the professional expertise
and independence of evaluators/ consultants and full transparency in the
methods and process followed. Evaluations should clearly distinguish between
findings and recommendations, with the former clearly supported by sound
evidence. Methodologies should be explained in sufficient detail to allow
replication, and evidence of failures should be reported as well as of
Participation – the views and experiences of beneficiary households, groups
and partners should form an integral part of all evaluations.
Openness – To maximise the learning potential of the evaluation process,
Farm Africa may publish full evaluation reports or excerpts from them or may
otherwise share them with interested parties.
The payment arrangement for this consultancy will be
• 40% of the total contract paid upon submission of an acceptable inception
• 30% upon submission of the first draft report
• 30% after submission of the final report fulfilling the standard acceptable
to Farm Africa.
Qualifications and Required Competencies
The project is looking for a consultant, a firm or a team of consultants with
experience in conducting HH surveys in complex projects. Therefore, applicants
should detail in their bid exactly how they will manage the different
components of the project. Applications from consultancies will be assessed on
their ability to demonstrate the following qualifications and competencies
• Extensive knowledge and experience in carrying out HH surveys, process
evaluations or end-term evaluations for complex projects, with a focus on
livelihoods-related interventions
• Experience in conducting studies in Uganda.
• Relevant academic qualifications in numerical subject such as Mathematics,
Economics, Statistics, etc.
• Relevant practical experience in conducting surveys on agricultural,
livestock & nutrition or gender programmes
• Strong analytical experience conducting data analysis, facilitation and
communication skills
• Excellent reporting and presentation skills
• Fluency in spoken and written English
• The right to work in Uganda
• Candidates with demonstrable academic or practical experience in Animal
Science Livestock and gender will be preferred
• Previous knowledge of conducting the surveys outlined in the methodology
• Fluency in Karamojong
• Experience conducting data analysis in Microsoft Excel
Where applicants fail to meet any of the above criteria, for example, fluency
in Karamojong or experience in livestock, gender or nutrition, the proposal
should state how they expect to overcome this e.g. additional team members,
translation services etc.
Submission of Proposals
Interested consultants or firms are requested to submit
1\. A completed technical proposal, making use of the Farm Africa Technical
Proposal Template Annex 5. This should include in section 2 contact
details for two references, preferably who you have worked with in the past
two years;
2\. A completed financial proposal, making use of the Farm Africa Financial
Proposal Template Annex 6. Please complete this proposal in Uganda
3\. Copies of all relevant Curriculum Vitae CVs. Only CVs for the specific
individuals that will form the proposed evaluation team should be included;
this should include CVs of any subcontracted consultant, firm or other
partners who will handle part of this assignment;
4\. A sample of an evaluation report for a similar project completed within
the last 24 months this will be treated as confidential and only used for the
purposes of quality assurance. The authors of this report must be the same
individuals as those listed in the proposed team; a report by the same firm,
but different authors is not accepted. Please attach this as an annex to your
technical proposal;
5\. Proof of licenses to operate in Uganda. Please attach these as annexes to
your technical proposal.
How to Apply
All documents must be submitted by email to our ‘sealed’ email address by 31st January 2021 at 6.00 PM EAT. The email subject
line should clearly indicate ‘Bid for L4L 2021 Annual Household Survey’.
Failure to include any of the above documents could result in disqualification
from the selection process. Download Full TOR
Selection Process
The selection procedure by Farm Africa will be a two-stage process consisting
of a technical and a financial review.
Technical Review the technical score will be assessed against the following
a. Understanding of the TOR – 30%
i. Project scope 15%
ii. Scope of the Annual Data Collection and Review 15%
b. Methodology – 40%
i. HH Survey 15
ii. WEE Survey 10
iii. Nutrition KAP survey 10
iv. Overall 5
c. Work plan and consultant responsibilities – 10%
d. Consultant team qualifications – 10%
e. Quality of sample report submitted – 10%
Financial Review Only bids with technical scores of higher than 70% will be
assessed at the financial stage. The financial proposal will be scored in the
following way
a. Total Price Proximity to Farm Africa’s expected cost – 50%
b. Accuracy of Pricing – 50%
i. Accurate reflection of the technical proposal – 18%
ii. Reasonableness of unit costs including day rates – 16%
iii. Reasonableness of number of units including the number of days– 16%
Overall Score once the financial proposals have been assessed, the technical
and financial scores will be combined into a final score in accordance with
the following weights
a. Technical Score 70%
b. Financial Score 30%
Deadline 17th February 2021.

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Jobs in Moroto Uganda Terms Of Reference For Annual Data Household Survey Farm Africa Livestock For Livelihoods (UK AID DIRECT) PROJECT IN KARAMOJA, UGANDA Jobs in Moroto Consultancy Jobs Jobs in Moroto at Terms Of Reference For Annual Data Household Survey Farm Africa Livestock For Livelihoods (UK AID DIRECT) PROJECT IN KARAMOJA, UGANDA Consultancy Jobs Employment opportunities Terms Of Reference For Annual Data Household Survey Farm Africa Livestock For Livelihoods (UK AID DIRECT) PROJECT IN KARAMOJA, UGANDA

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